At the Vet

Read at Home: First Experiences: At the Vet (Read at Home First ...

At the Vet

The boy's family have a dog, they love him and grow him like a family. One day they are going to the park, he was hurt by fence. And then they were took him to the vet to treat his injury.

The same reason why I chose this book is  I really like dogs. If I had a pet and the pet had sick, I couldn't look  my pet is treating such as injection. I think animals has feelings, especially dog is very impressionable. 

Vet:名詞 獣医
Stitches:Stitchery の複数形 針仕事
chew:動詞 ~をかじり取る
collar:動詞 ~を捕える
lampshade:名詞 ランプのかさ
doorway:名詞 戸口
heal:動詞 を治す                                



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