
7月, 2020の投稿を表示しています

At the Vet

At the Vet The boy's family have a dog, they love him and grow him like a family. One day they are going to the park, he was hurt by fence. And then they were took him to the vet to treat his injury. The same reason why I chose this book is  I really like dogs. If I had a pet and the pet had sick, I couldn't look  my pet is treating such as injection. I think animals has feelings, especially dog is very impressionable.  Vocabulary Vet:名詞 獣医 Stitches:Stitchery の複数形 針仕事 chew:動詞 ~をかじり取る collar:動詞 ~を捕える lampshade:名詞 ランプのかさ doorway:名詞 戸口 heal:動詞 を治す                                

HARRY and the Lady Next Door

HARRY and the Lady Next Door  ”Harry was a white dog with black spot. He loved all his neighbors, all expect one. He did not love the lady next door. The lady next door sang. She sang high and loud. When she sang, Harry's ears hurt.”   The main dog likes people who live in the neighborhood, but he don't like only woman who sings loud and high voice, so he tries to stop it. Then he puts some ideas into action. That's so interesting and cute.The reason why I chose this book is I really like dogs, so I want to read something about dog. This book is written about dog's feelings main. If I were a dog, I might do like this main dog in this book.  Vocabulary peanut:名詞 ピーナッツ wag: 動詞 振り動かす


ZOMBIES IN TOKYO  "You run across the street. There, you meet a young family. The father's name is Maru, the mother is Yoko, and the little boy is Kei. They look scared. "What's happening?" you ask. "We don't know," Maru says. "This morning, everyone is ....not dead, but ....not alive, either!" " They're zombies!" Kei says,crying." This story is about a zombie attack in Tokyo, a city in Japan. You will fight the zombie or try to escape. If this situation would be happen, I were very scared and I could not escape the zombie. I can choose the end of this story during I reading this, so this style is interesting for me. I would like to try to read same style. Vocabulary mostly→副詞 たいていは、ほとんどの場合  

Animal Life Cycles

Animal Life Cycles "Animals grow and change during their life. To produce young, some animals have babies, and other lay eggs. These young animals then grow up and produce young, too. This journey from being born to producing young is called a life cycle. animal life cycles are amazing."   This book is written about the animal life with more details. Not only just explaining about animals life cycle but also the reason why they do or how to do to live in the wild. I think this is like a illustrated book when I was reading. Especially, I was surprised that fish lays a lot of eggs, however most of them are had by other fish, so fish grow up is amazing. I could learn from this book.  Vocabulary invertebrate :名詞 無脊椎動物 arthropod:名詞 節足動物 amphibian:名詞 両性類 reptile:名詞 虫類の動物

Hunter darkness

Hunter darkness ”In this story, you are a vampire hunter, You will go to a village in Canada to fight vampires. You are a vampire hunter. Your master is Sayad bin Khafash, the greatest vampire hunter in the world. He trained you to be strong and quick. He showed you how to hurt vampires, and all the ways to kill them. Vampires strike at night. They are very strong, but they can be killed. Your newspapers are made of silver, wood, and fire. These things can hurt vampires.” This is interesting for me, we can choose the story, so we feel such like if we were the character in this book. The end I chose is so sad, so I think that if I choose the different choice, the story might be happy end. I want to read the same series. stake:動詞 をくいにつなぐ spear:動詞 槍で突く

some good news

Some good news  "Early spring was a beautiful time on Cobble Street. The Japanese cherry trees were all in bloom, tulips sat brightly in boxes, and robins sang everywhere. Lily, Rose, and Tess lived to open the windows of Aunt Lucy's attic and just listen to the springtime." In this book, there are three girls who are close friends. One day, they decided to write some good news in the newspaper. They decided each part and they looked so fun. This book was main written about the three girls, so I remembered when I was a kindergarten child and elementary school student , because I played something like that with my friends. I am happy after reading this book. Vocabulary down to earth :現実的な、実際的な giggled:名詞 くすくす笑い humiliating:動詞 恥をかかせる defeat

All About Island

   All About Island All About Island  "Where are island? Less than 30%  of Earth's surface is land,there are seven continents and thousands of island. Some islands are in the middle or an ocean, and others are near the mainland. many islands are so small that you can't see them on this map." This book is written about island in the world, and we can know how to happen the volcano or island and so on. I recommend the person who are interested in island. Especially, Japan is island country and there are a lot of earthquakes and some tsunami, so I think that we need to know about island. This book is written in easy English and written about the main point briefly, so we can easy to understand. Vocabulary valley:名詞 低地 coral:名詞 サンゴ hispaniola:名詞 ヒスオア二オラ島


STUART LITTLE One day Stuart Little and his brother, George, went to an amusement park."look at all the rides!" George said. "look at all the food!" Stuart said. Stuart and George tried to ride some interesting rides at theme park, but Stuart couldn't ride something because of he was small, so he was little fun. He worried about his looks is different from other people. His friends is George knows about his worry, but he tried to enjoy the theme park. Suddenly, he looked for the fun house and they went to it. At there, there were the magic mirror that not only Stuart looks tall, but also George looked small, Stuart noticed that he thought only negative about his looks, so he don't have to worry about it. And then, he recovered his confidence.  l think they are really close friends. I think this book says to us that don't compare with someone, to be proud of being you. This book cheered me up. If you have a worry about looks, please read this book. I hope

Biscuit and the baby

Biscuit and the baby "Woof,woof! What does Biscuit see? Woof,Woof! Biscuit sees the baby.Biscuit wants to meet the baby!" The main character is a dog. The dog wants to see the baby, but the dog cannot see, because the baby is sleeping. The dog try to see the baby that is so cute. This story is very short, but I recommend to this the person who like dogs. This book is not written about the dog's feelings, but I can imagine from his action or face. If you have a chance to read this book or you like dogs, please read this book and imagine that the dog's feelings. Vocabulary woof: 名詞 犬の唸り声